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Choose the Frame that Suits You - Get the Look that Gets You Looks!

Your Face Shape and Your Glasses Frames

There are no real rules about which face shapes suit which frame because there are not many true face shapes. Most face shapes are often a combination of two or more! Your choice in frames can either enhance, soften or create an optical illusion of shortening or widening your facial attributes.

Here are some simple suggestions that may help you decide between your favourite Stingy Specs styles.

Rectangular Face:

- Face is longer than it is wide.
- High cheek bones
- Deep or high forehead.
Rectangular Face

You need to soften angular features, not accentuate them. So choose frames that have soft lines, medium size, shaped lens area with some width, rather than small, narrow and angular shapes.

Try wider frames and styles with a heavier top - semi rimless in this style are flattering also.

Avoid bold shapes and colours in angular large or narrow frames as they are less flattering.

Oblong Face:

- Face is longer than it is wide, but is less angular than a rectangular face.
- Some have more pronounced noses
- Long straight cheek line.

Oblong Face

To give the illusion that your face is not as long, choose lens shapes that are not narrow, but are a very deep.

The sides of the frames, and particularly around the temple area should have some type of feature or embellishment to make the face appear to be wider.

To reduce the appearance of a pronounced nose, try frames with medium size shape, that are medium value warm colours to make the glasses more focal.

Thin metal frames or thick bold frames will draw attention.

Diamond-Shaped Face:

- Narrow eye and jaw line
- High cheekbone

Diamond Face

Choose frames that have a thicker edge on the brow in bolder colours or with some decoration or detailing to give definition and break up the symmetry of the diamond shape.

Semi-rimless, oval shapes and 'cat eye' frames are complimentary too.

Round Face:

- Length and width of your face is fairly equal
- Wide forehead
- Full cheeks
- Rounded jaw line.


Round face shapes need definition, so try angular styles and geometric shapes. Go particularly ones that have embellishments on arms of the glasses towards the front of the frame or bold shaped/coloured arms.

Steer clear of shapes that mirror roundness, whether they are narrow, small or large as they will still make your face look more round.

Darker colours can play down the roundness of this face shape.

Oval Face:

- Face length is roughly equal to one and a half times the width.
- Your forehead is slightly wider than your jaw, giving a sense of balance in conjunction with high cheekbones and a soft curving jaw line.

Oval Face

Luckily, most frames and styles suit this face shape.

However, you do need to ensure that the size of your frame is in proportion to your face.

You can carry off bold styles and softer styles well. You be the judge of which suits your personal style best!

Square Face:

- Proportional in width and length
- Squared jaw line with a wider chin.

Square Face

To soften the angular features of square faces and make the face appear a less box-like, try oval shapes or frames that are wider than the face.

Avoid thin square or rectangular styles as these can accentuate the angular lines of your face.

Heart-Shaped Face:

- Jaw line is smaller
- Small chin and mouth
- Wider cheek bones and forehead.
Heart-Shaped Face

Choose frames that do not mirror the shape of your face (usually wider at the top).
Instead, select narrow in oval or rectangular shape frames.

Semi-rimless frames which have oval or rectangular shapes, are a good choice also, as the bottom shape of the frame won't over define your chin line.

Triangular Face:

Similar to heart shaped faces, but are not as wide or as rounded.

Triangle-Shaped Face

Don't choose frames that mirror the shape of your face.

You can carry off bold styles, shapes and colours well.

Like heart shaped faces, triangular faces are complemented well by semi rimless frames in narrow oval or angular shapes.

Getting The Look - Putting your personality into glasses.

What you wear is what makes you you. Your hair style, your choice of clothes, the rings and blings that adorn you, the colours you choose. All these, and more, help accentuate the positive in you.

Like all fashion accessories, the kind of glasses frames you choose will also project your taste and personality and sense of confidence.

But what kind of frames should you choose? What shape and size of glasses will provide the best comfort and fit? What will look good on you?

At Stingy Specs, we have a boutique range of glasses frames to complement your looks and subtly enhance your style.

Which means we have taken the time to sift through thousands of shapes and styles in frames and selected only those which we believe will work best. In style, comfort and quality.

How to Choose Your Spectacle Frames

When you are looking to buy a new pair of glasses it is important to consider some or all of the following:

- Your lifestyle
- Your vision needs
- Your taste in fashion
- Your face shape and hair colour

Even if you merely want a practical, comfortable, not-fancy pair of spectacles, the glasses frame you choose will reflect the above list of qualities.
If you already wear spectacles, then you will already know what type of frame you find comfortable and what style suits your features - basically what you like and don't like, and what improvements you hope your new Stingy Specs frames will bring - especially updating and "enhancing" your appearance!

While browsing our glasses frames think of words that describe your personality, your character and the sense of identity you want to convey.

Do you want a fun, outgoing look? Or a soft, not too 'out there' frame?

Do you want a power suit style frame that shows you mean business, or just something that looks smart.

Or are you after a casual, everyday style pair of glasses that are functional and comfortable?

Also, consider the type of clothes, make up, hairstyle, jewellery or accessories you wear, as your frames will need to coordinate and balance with them.

Think about the colours you usually wear. Your clothing, jewellery and other accessories. Your glasses need to compliment your taste in fashion.
Alternatively, your new Stingy Specs glasses can be a contrast to what you wear, creating a more modern statement!

Which ever frame you choose, it will bring out your style and personality and add character to your face.

Needless to say, if you are happy with the shape and style your current frames, then simply choose a similar frame.

C o l o u r s that flatter

Colour can influence our moods and reflect our personal expression and flair.

While there are no strict rules to follow regarding colour suitability, it's a fact that some colours will suit certain skin tones, hair colours and facial features better than others.

Some examples to get you going!

- Bold colours and large patterns make large statements, if you have a large or angular face or facial features, these can make them more pronounced rather than reduce the shape. However, these bold colours, particularly if they are bright or dark, can add definition to softer, or less strong shaped faces.

- Medium to light value and warm colours such as beige, brown, coffee, gold, camel, peach or colour blends of such colours generally complement fair complexions- as do lightweight metal frames, and semi rimless frames. If you have fair coloured hair, or white/grey hair, warm colours work well. These medium value warm colours can also be used to soften the appearance of many unwanted facial features as they do not add much definition.

- Shiny gunmetal or soft shiny brown and shiny light brown colours work well for most facial features, skin tones and appearances.

- If you have dark hair or brown hair you can easily wear most colours- bold and light, warm or cool. Particularly flattering are warm colours of reds, shiny purple, magentas, dark greens and blues. Decorative arm features like rhinestones will reflect well against dark hair.

- Olive and Dark complexions are often complemented by silver, gold or transparent frames. Semi rimless frames in non obtrusive colours are good too. Alternatively bold bright colours are intensified by darker complexions, particularly if you want to make a bold statement. Again, decorative arm features like rhinestones will reflect well against these skin tones.

Remember, if you tend to wear the same colours most of the time, choose coloured frames that will complement them by being similar or the same (this applies for jewellery too).

Alternatively colours can make a statement by being complementary in colour to your clothes (or hair colour).

- blue is the complement of orange
- blue green (turquoise) is the complement of red orange
- yellow green is the complement of red violet
- violet is the complement of yellow
- red is the complement of green
- blue violet is the complement of yellow orange
- Bright and intense colours also create a bright, eye-catching effect.

These colour descriptors are particularly useful for choosing modern frames in plastics, or when choosing bold colours to make bold statements.

But keep in mind that you still want your frames to have some balance to your presentation. You can still wear colour, and not make them too obvious, by choosing more subtle and less intense values.


All the tips in this article are just pointers to help you get going to get the look your want. When it comes to fashion and style, there are really no rules that cannot be broken! In the end, it's you that matters - and the way you project your personality counts the most.

At Stingy Specs we want you to get the best so that you look your best. Every day.

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